Below you will find solutions to your first homework assignement. All solutions will be provided as Acrobat PDF files.
HOMEWORK #1 - January 28th, 2005: HOM1.pdf
HOMEWORK #2 - February 4th, 2005: HOM2.pdf
HOMEWORK #3 - February 12th, 2005: HOM3.pdf
HOMEWORK #4 - February 25th, 2005: HOM4.pdf
Sample Solution of a MATLAB problem - February 25th, 2005: file_hw1
Sample Exam #1 - March 2nd, 2005: SE1.pdf
Exam #1 (SOLUTIONS) - March 10th, 2005: E1s.pdf
HOMEWORK #5 - March 11th, 2005: HOM5.pdf
HOMEWORK #6 - March 30th, 2005: HOM6.pdf
HOMEWORK #7 - April 13th, 2005: HOM7.pdf
HOMEWORK #8 - April 13th, 2005: HOM8.pdf
HOMEWORK #8 (SUPPLEMENT) - April 24th, 2005: HOM8SUP.pdf
Sample Exam #2 - April 22nd, 2005: SE2.pdf
Sample Exam #2 (SOLUTIONS) - April 22nd, 2005: SE2s.pdf
The textbook for this course is Linear Algebra with Applications (6th Edition) by Steven J. Leon, Prentice Hall (2002). The lectures will cover the following sections of this book (please see the table of contents for a detailed description of all sections):
Mon. 01/17 - Martin Luther Kind Day Wed. 01/19 - 1.1 and 1.2 Fri. 01/21 - 1.2 |
Mon. 01/24 - 1.3 Wed. 01/26 - 1.3 and 1.4 Fri. 01/28 - 1.4 Quiz #1; Hw #1
| Mon. 01/31 - 2.1 Wed. 02/02 - 2.1 and 2.2 Fri. 02/04 - 2.2
| Mon. 02/07 - 2.3 Wed. 02/09 - 2.3 and 3.1 Fri. 02/11 - 3.1 Quiz #2; Hw #2
| Mon. 02/14 - 3.2 Wed. 02/16 - 3.2 and 3.3 Fri. 02/18 - 3.3
| Mon. 02/21 - 3.4 Wed. 02/23 - 3.4 and 3.5 Fri. 02/25 - 3.5 Quiz #3; Hw #3
| Mon. 02/28 - 3.6; Matlab Project #1 Wed. 03/02 - Review Fri. 03/04 - Review Quiz #4; Hw #4
| Mon. 03/07 - Exam #1 Wed. 03/09 - 4.1 Fri. 03/11 - 4.2
| Mon. 03/14 - Spring Recess Wed. 03/16 - Spring Recess Fri. 03/18 - Spring Recess
| Mon. 03/21 - 4.2 Wed. 03/23 - 4.3 Fri. 03/25 - 4.3 Quiz #5; Hw #5
| Mon. 03/28 - 5.1; Matlab Project #2 Wed. 03/30 - 5.1 Fri. 04/01 - 5.2
| Mon. 04/04 - 5.2 Wed. 04/06 - 5.2 Fri. 04/08 - 5.3 Quiz #6; Hw #6
| Mon. 04/11 - 5.4 Wed. 04/13 - 5.4 Fri. 04/15 - 5.5
| Mon. 04/18 - 5.6 Wed. 04/20 - 5.6 Fri. 04/22 - 6.1 Quiz #7; Hw #7
| Mon. 04/25 - 6.2; Matlab Project #3 Wed. 04/27 - 6.3 Fri. 04/29 - 6.3
| Mon. 05/02 - Review Wed. 05/04 - Review Fri. 05/06 - Exam #2 |
![]() | TABLE OF CONTENTS OF LEON'S Linear Algebra with Applications |
COURSE STRUCTURE This course meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each lecture will begin by discussing new material as outlined in the syllabus. I expect that everyone will have read the section to be covered in lecture before coming to class. If you have not read the section to be discussed you will get less from the lectures. There are three major components which will determine your final grade.
Examinations: There will be two in-class exams. The dates of the exams are given on the syllabus. Make-up exams will be given only for an approved excuse.
Homework and Quizzes: There are 8 homework sets during the semester. Your homework will not be collected or graded. However, solving each and every problem from your homework assignments is a vital part of the learning process. You have little chance of understanding the material without that. It is usually not enough that you understand examples presented by your teacher in a classroom. Only your independent work on the exercises can really tell you how well you have mastered the subject. There will be 7 bi-weekly quizzes based on the homework problems. Each quiz will include two problems, both of them chosen from the corresponding homework assignment. The dates of the quizzes are given in the syllabus. Only top 6 quiz scores will be used in assigning your final quiz grade.
Matlab Projects: There will be 3 computing projects. They will be collected on the dates given in the syllabus.
Your Final Grade: will be based on your Quizzes (120 points, 20 points per quiz), Computer Projects (120 points, 40 points per project) and Exams (240 points, 120 points per exam). The maximum number of points you can earn is therefore 480. You will need a minimum of 280 points to pass this class.
Note: Qualified students with disabilities needing appropriate academic adjustments should contact me as soon as possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner. Handouts are available in alternative accessible formats upon request.
Homework #1
Section 1.1: 1(b)(c),3(a)(d),5(c),6(d),9
Section 1.2: 1,2,3(d),5(c)(j),10
Homework #2
Section 1.3: 1,2(a)(b),4(c),10
Section 1.4: 1,3(b),4(c),6(a),7(a),9(e)
Section 1.5: 1,5(a)(b),11,12
Section 2.1: 1,2,3(c)(g),6
Homework #3
Section 2.2: 1(a),2(a),5,6,10
Section 2.3: 1(b)(c),2(b)(c),8
Section 3.1: 4,5,6,11
Section 3.2: 1(a)(e),2(a)(b),3(b)(c),4(b),9(a),13,14
Homework #4
Section 3.3: 1(a)(b)(c),2(c)(d),4(c),6(a)(c),10
Section 3.4: 3,4,5,8
Section 3.5: 1(a),4,5,7,9
Section 3.6: 1(b),2(a),3,4(b),6
Homework #5
Section 4.1: 1,2,3,5(a)(b),6(a),8,9
Section 4.2: 2,3(a)(b),4,6,8
Homework #6
Section 4.3: 1(a)(b),3,4,6,15
Section 5.1: 1(a)(b),3(a),5,9
Section 5.2: 1(b),2,3,4
Section 5.3: 1(a),3(a),5,7
Homework #7
Section 5.4: 1,2,4(a)(b),7
Section 5.5: 1,2,6,8,25
Section 5.6: 1,3,4,5
Homework #8
Section 6.1: 1(a)(g)(k),4,6,7,10,27
Matlab Project #1
Chapter 1: 1,2,6
Chapter 2: 2,5
Matlab Project #2
Chapter 3: 1,2
Chapter 4: 1,2
Matlab Project #3
Chapter 5: 1,2,4
Chapter 6: 10,12(a)
Some of you may have difficulties in getting a hard copy of your Matlab session. The following command, which I found by typing help diary in Matlab, should solve this problem:
DIARY: Save text of MATLAB session. diary file_name causes a copy of all subsequent terminal input and most of the resulting output to be written on the named file. diary off suspends it. diary on turns it back on. diary, by itself, toggles the diary state.
If you wish to create a random integer m by n matrix in Matlab whose entries are between a and b, try the command:
If you would like help to get started with Matlab click below
Matlab Help
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